Wednesday, December 8, 2010

The waiting game

It seems like pregnancy is just 9 months of waiting!

If the pregnancy is planned, it starts with waiting for that missed period so you can test
And it continues, as you wait for the 3 minutes until you can check the result!
If the two lines appear, well, theres just more waiting ahead of you! 

You wait for the right time to tell people (or maybe you don't:))
You wait for that magically 3 month mark, when you can breathe a little easier.
You wait for the morning sickness to pass
You wait to start for that bump to start showing, so you can start showing it off.
You wait for those first little movements, that are so slight you wonder if you imagined them. 
You wait for appointments at the hospital and doctor (And just there is enough waiting for anyone!)
You wait for scans, and you wait to find out the gender, whether that be 20weeks or 40!
You wait for your due date
You wait for the smallest sign that it might be time,
and finally, you wait for it to be over!

You wait, and wait, and wait. 

From the minute of conception, to the time when you finally get to hold your baby in your arms, pregnancy is all about waiting!

1 comment:

  1. Great post. So very true! If planned you also have to wait for ovulation, wait for ideal time to make a baby, & then wait out the 2 weeks 'til you can test.
