Sunday, December 19, 2010

The Bread Men, and other brainless wonders

I love Christmas Baking...Okay, so i just love Baking!
Last yr, My MIL and FIL gave me some fun fun presents including a Gingerbread House Kit, and A Cookie Tree Kit.
So this Christmas, I have beautiful new toys to play with!

Just the other night, I decided i felt like gingerbread, so i whipped up a batch of beautiful little Gingerbread Men! I decorated two of them gorgeously with chocolate and icing, and Tim & I sat down to enjoy them with our cuppas!


Until I bit that poor little head off....and discovered that I had forgotten to put the ginger and spices into the dough!

Here's to Pregnancy Brain! 

It reminded me of the time, when i was pregnant with Elliott, and I left Pumpkin in the microwave for 3 days! (And we didn't have a stove, so it beats me why we didnt need the microwave before then!)
And the time, when i was pregnant with Zoey, I forgot to put the flour in my Ginger Slice!
And then there was the time,  not long after I'd had Bronte, and I used SR Flour instead of Plain Flour in a cake! Boy did it rise....and then sink! (The invention of Ca-bikkie-tarts!)

Here's to Pregnancy/ Baby Brain!! 

 What silly things have you done while pregnant or soon after??

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