Saturday, December 4, 2010

Today, I spent the afternoon at the hospital's Emergency Department.
Not for me.
My sister, who had recently found out that she was also pregnant, had some bleeding, and was really unwell. We'd headed up to the hospital to get things checked.

Tragically, she had miscarried.
Sitting with her, as she was told that she had lost her baby, was one of the hardest things!
Watching my little sister go through that was heart breaking!
But maybe, worse, was that i couldnt do anything!
I didnt know what to say to her! She'd lost a baby!
Who was I to comfort her? I still had my baby. And i had 3 healthy daughters waiting at home for me!

So tonight, i revisited a friends blog, Aspiring Mum, where i knew she had written about Miscarriage and Pregnancy Loss. 
What do you say or do?
For an insightful read on responding when someone loses a baby, click over to Aspiring Mum's Silence Of The Loss


  1. So very sad and hard for her to deal with seeing your dates were so close. xxx

  2. no matter how far along you are 5wks, 20wks, 40wks having someone tell you precious little baby is gone breaks your heart it really does. i HATE that she has to feel that pain! shes my baby sister :(
    having been through what shes going through (twice) i know how it feels. it feels like your heart is literally broken & yes it is hard seeing others pregnant or seeing little newborns but its also BEAUTIFUL!!!

    i was 5 wks pregnant with my 2nd bub when i started spotting, that continued till 8wks when i had to have a curette :( in that time our darling lil niece kyarra was born.
    yes at 1st i felt i didn't want to see her or touch her, i was sad & angry that God had taken my baby! i was constantly asking God why me? why my baby??
    it wasn't until the 2nd visit when i saw her brave lil body with tubes everywhere did i realise how darling she was & i didn't want to miss out on that.
    as i was holding her for the 1st time i held back my tears. they weren't just tears of sadness but of joy too, knowing my family had been blessed with that lil miss & that God has a plan for us all, including my babies.

    anyway after all that my point is don't feel bad for being pregnant even though you have 3 kids already & don't feel you have to hide your joy!! your joy can bring others joy too...just as lil kyarra brought me joy :)

    *im sorry you had to be there today when she was told the sad news, i can't imagine how hard that was! i want to thankyou hannah for being wonderful sister! you really are an amazing person XO
