Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Being Blue if its not being Blue....

Tomorrow is the big day! Well, the one I've been waiting to arrive for the last 2 months!
Tomorrow, We get to see our little bub, make sure all is well, and find out the gender (as long as bub plays along!)
With this pregnancy being so different from the others, I'm finding it hard to not get my hope up and convince myself that we will be told its a boy. Of course, we'll be happy regardless of the sex, as long as the baby is healthy, but having three girls already, We're both really hoping for a little boy!
It sounds horrible to say I'll be a tad disappointed if we're told its a girl, but I'd be lying if i said i wouldnt!
It'll just take a moment of readjustment, and I'm sure we'll be just as excited!
Baby Girls need pretty clothes, and a pretty name, and all sorts of lovely baby things too!

So for now, we wait, and try not to think one way or the other!

and here is a updated belly photo:
18 weeks - on a good day!

Sunday, December 19, 2010

The Bread Men, and other brainless wonders

I love Christmas Baking...Okay, so i just love Baking!
Last yr, My MIL and FIL gave me some fun fun presents including a Gingerbread House Kit, and A Cookie Tree Kit.
So this Christmas, I have beautiful new toys to play with!

Just the other night, I decided i felt like gingerbread, so i whipped up a batch of beautiful little Gingerbread Men! I decorated two of them gorgeously with chocolate and icing, and Tim & I sat down to enjoy them with our cuppas!


Until I bit that poor little head off....and discovered that I had forgotten to put the ginger and spices into the dough!

Here's to Pregnancy Brain! 

It reminded me of the time, when i was pregnant with Elliott, and I left Pumpkin in the microwave for 3 days! (And we didn't have a stove, so it beats me why we didnt need the microwave before then!)
And the time, when i was pregnant with Zoey, I forgot to put the flour in my Ginger Slice!
And then there was the time,  not long after I'd had Bronte, and I used SR Flour instead of Plain Flour in a cake! Boy did it rise....and then sink! (The invention of Ca-bikkie-tarts!)

Here's to Pregnancy/ Baby Brain!! 

 What silly things have you done while pregnant or soon after??

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Giveaway Winner

And the winner is.........

#3 Amanda Eastment! 


Please pop over to Baby Laila and let me know which two bibs you would like, and where they can be posted!

Monday, December 13, 2010

15 Weeks - We like to move it!

 Here is my 15 week Belly photo:
Pretty sure I'm going to be alot bigger this time!

In other news, finally, i felt the baby move last night!
I say finally because almost 16weeks is late for me! It took a bit longer with my first (17wks) but since i know what i'm feeling for now, i felt the other girls fairly early!

So last night, as i was watching The Santa Clause 2 and eating Sour Skittles (Pretty sure that had something to do with it), I felt 2 little movements! Tim even managed to put his hand on my tummy and feel one without Quatrini realising!
And now, i get to enjoy the moving for a couple of weeks before it just gets painful/annoying/non-stop!

Wednesday, December 8, 2010

The waiting game

It seems like pregnancy is just 9 months of waiting!

If the pregnancy is planned, it starts with waiting for that missed period so you can test
And it continues, as you wait for the 3 minutes until you can check the result!
If the two lines appear, well, theres just more waiting ahead of you! 

You wait for the right time to tell people (or maybe you don't:))
You wait for that magically 3 month mark, when you can breathe a little easier.
You wait for the morning sickness to pass
You wait to start for that bump to start showing, so you can start showing it off.
You wait for those first little movements, that are so slight you wonder if you imagined them. 
You wait for appointments at the hospital and doctor (And just there is enough waiting for anyone!)
You wait for scans, and you wait to find out the gender, whether that be 20weeks or 40!
You wait for your due date
You wait for the smallest sign that it might be time,
and finally, you wait for it to be over!

You wait, and wait, and wait. 

From the minute of conception, to the time when you finally get to hold your baby in your arms, pregnancy is all about waiting!

Monday, December 6, 2010

Rabbit Food!

As i said in an earlier post, I have been extremely lucky when it comes to being sick (or not, as the case may be!) this time.

Even the crazy extreme heartburn seems to have died off. So all i have left is the annoyance of not drinking tea, and the problem of having to eat all the time (Yes, cos thats a problem?)

However, tonight, while the rest of my little family enjoys Nachos at the dining table, I am sitting at the computer blogging!

Its not that i'm anti-social, or dont value the time together! I just cant stand the smell of the dinner!
I haven't felt like throwing up at all until tonight, but the aromas coming from the kitchen as dinner was cooking evoked the feeling! (No offence to my helpful hubby who cooked the dinner!)

So I ate lettuce! :( Maybe I can make up for it with chocolate once the kids have gone to bed.... 

Saturday, December 4, 2010

Today, I spent the afternoon at the hospital's Emergency Department.
Not for me.
My sister, who had recently found out that she was also pregnant, had some bleeding, and was really unwell. We'd headed up to the hospital to get things checked.

Tragically, she had miscarried.
Sitting with her, as she was told that she had lost her baby, was one of the hardest things!
Watching my little sister go through that was heart breaking!
But maybe, worse, was that i couldnt do anything!
I didnt know what to say to her! She'd lost a baby!
Who was I to comfort her? I still had my baby. And i had 3 healthy daughters waiting at home for me!

So tonight, i revisited a friends blog, Aspiring Mum, where i knew she had written about Miscarriage and Pregnancy Loss. 
What do you say or do?
For an insightful read on responding when someone loses a baby, click over to Aspiring Mum's Silence Of The Loss

Giveaway Update

Please remember to POST A COMMENT on the Giveaway post, after you have voted and visted Baby Laila, Handmade Goods on Facebook.
I am unable to count your vote if you dont!


Friday, December 3, 2010

Losing it!

So, I've heard alot of pregnant women, and mothers talk about how affected they were by pregnancy hormones, and how they were overly emotional and literally cried over spilt milk!
I, personally, never had much experience with being overly emotional. I just guessed it didnt affect me in the same way....Until Today!

Today, I had a rushed morning getting all 3 girls fed, bathed and dressed, ready to take Zoey to Daycare, and head straight to the shops after. We finally made it out of the house, dropped Z off and got to the Post Office with not too much trouble despite the rain and Christmas traffic.

First Pregnant Moment: We battled the rain, crossing half the huge carpark, just for me to realise when we came to the door of the Post Office, that i had forgotten to grab the stuff i wanted to post out of the car!! Aaarghh!!

Second, and more embarrassing and surprising, Pregnant Moment: After traipsing around the shopping centre, and finally getting back out to the car, I unload the girls and the shopping from the pram, and realise that Bronte has lost a shoe!! 

Wait, the Moment is coming....

Realising this, and realising that the shoe she has lost is one of a pair that were Elliotts first ever shoes, and have been worn by the little fat feet of all three of my baby girls, I cried!
Okay, so before you picture me a sobbing mess, It was more just eyes tearing up, but for me, who is a pretty not emotional sort of person, it was a Moment!! 
I also called the two major shops we had been in, and asked them to let me know if anyone handed it in! Yes, its like looking for a shoe in a crowded shopping centre at Christmas Time, but my poor little pregnant hormones had to do everything they could to get that sentimental peice of footwear back!

Ahh, Pregnancy Hormones! Next, I'll be crying during Home and Away!

Wednesday, December 1, 2010


Ok so i LOVE Giveaways! 
So much fun!!

I also LOVE the Beautiful Handmade bibs that I found at Baby Laila, Handmade Goods
She also makes adorable hair clip, little baby shoes and more! Definitely worth a look!! 

Aren't they gorgeous?? 

So I'm putting the two together!!
If you would like the chance to win 2 Handmade Bibs of your choice from Baby Laila, then heres your chance! 
To Enter, You need to vote in the current poll (What Gender will the baby be?),  Pop over and 'Like' Baby Laila, Handmade Goods on Facebook, and come back and leave a comment on this post to tell which bib is your favourite! 

Dont Forget to leave an email address! 
Competition Closes 15th Dec!

Good Luck! I only wish i could enter! ;)