Thursday, February 3, 2011

23 Weeks - Gymnastics!

Yes, Gymnastics! I'm sure no matter how hard you think about it, you will still not be able to put pregnancy and gymnastics in a sentence together, unless you're speaking with a bucket full of sarcasm!
However, gymnastics is exactly what I have been having to do to get to our toilet for the past few weeks.

See, we've just begun renovating our house, starting with the bathroom!

It started out as a simple balancing act...Climb down a ladder instead of using stairs. Not too difficult.
Then I advanced to, walk a balance beam, then climb down a ladder.
This progressed to, walk a balance beam..and carefully step from one beam to another, across about 6 beams...and then climb down a ladder, AND duck under a beam.

With my increasing need to use the bath room, and decreasing ability to balance and bend, You can see how this was becoming a problem!

But, HOORAY! Today is the first day that our new toilet is functional!
This means I have now down-graded to a simple hop across a hole in the floor.

Ah, Its the small pleasures in life, like being able to use a toilet without requiring the flexibility of a contortionist! 


  1. Wow! You've certainly coped well! Imagine doing that in the later stages of pregnancy!

  2. No thanks! Lol Its been hard enough as it is!

    So cant wait for our new bath tab! Now that will be enjoyable in the later stages of pregnancy!
